Marriage Scriptures: Loving Your Spouse as Christ Loved the Church
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church”
For most of us, the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Christ’s love for the church is the fact he died for us. The thing is, though, most of us are never going to be in a position where we need to die for our spouses so there must be other ways to adhere to these marriage scriptures.
Loving your spouse as Christ loved the church means loving them sacrificially. This doesn’t mean that you need to become a martyr for your significant other and give up all your desires so that you can dedicate your life to making him or her happy. In fact, sacrificial love involves a lot more than acts of service.
Build Up Your Spouse
You may be wondering what encouraging your spouse has to do with Christ-like love. Well, to understand the connection we need to refer to some marriage scriptures.
The scriptures say that Christ gave himself up for the church so that “he might sanctify her” and so that “she might be holy and without blemish.” This indicates that one of the best ways to love your spouse is to build them up and help them realize God’s purpose their life. Allow God to use you as an instrument to build up your significant other.
Compliments are always a great way to lift your wife’s or husband’s spirits and remind them of their God-given talents. They are a great place to start the journey to Christ-like love in married life.
Another important thing is to support your spouse in their personal growth. You may need to go out of your way to enable your spouse to pursue their personal development. This may require some acts of service from you such as doing more chores so that your wife or husband has more time to pursue an interest.
Be a Good Example
Christ’s love for the church set a good example for how spouses should love one another. In the same way, you should endeavor to be a good example and an inspiration to your spouse.
For instance, by being a sacrificial lover, you can inspire your spouse to want to be more sacrificial in their love for you. Also, by pursuing your own personal growth, you can inspire your spouse to take the leaps of faith necessary to reach their fullest potential.
Loving your spouse as Christ loved the church isn’t about literally laying your life down for him or her or merely about performing a few acts of service. It is also about building them up and being a good example just like in the marriage scriptures mentioned above.