Bring Harmony to Your Christian Marriage through Spirituality
Do you desire deeper spiritual intimacy with your wife or husband?
Spiritual intimacy is an essential part of Christian marriage. However, such intimacy must be nurtured over time. This is done by discussing spirituality with each other openly and continually planting the seeds of spiritual growth in the marriage by:
Praying for one another
As a Christian, you should make a point of praying for your spouse every day. Pray for your spouse’s needs and ask God to guide you on how you can serve your partner better. It seems simple but if you are disciplined and consistent, it can make a big difference in your marriage.
Praying for your marriage
Christian couples should pray together every day. Meal times are especially a good time to say a short prayer for marriage and for the meal. It is also a good time to pray as a family especially if you have kids. Remember “a family that prays together stays together.”
Worshipping together
Worshipping with your spouse brings you closer to God and helps you to grow together spirituality. Therefore, it’s always good to go to church together whenever you can.
Setting aside time for spiritual growth
Christian couples should set aside time for spiritual growth every day or week -depending on what works for them. During this time they can read the bible and Christian books, listen to CDs or watch videos on spiritual growth together.
However, the trickiest thing when it comes to setting aside time for spiritual growth is finding a time that works for both of you. However, you need to keep experimenting until you find something that works.
Developing friendships with other Christian couples
In order to succeed in Christian marriage, you need to have role models who are in a God-honoring marriage. This is because you can learn a lot from how another couple approaches their marriage. Preferably, your chosen mentors should have been married longer than you.
If you know a couple that would make great mentors for you and your spouse, don’t ask them to be your mentors upfront as this might be intimidating for them. If you do this, they’ll probably tell you they don’t feel qualified to be mentors. Instead ask if you can get together sometime as you have a few questions on how to build a God honoring marriage.
Planning your spiritual growth
It is important to have a blueprint for your spiritual growth as a couple. For instance, you can plan to attend two Christian retreats or conferences a year or to read two spiritually-focused books a year. There are almost limitless options for things that you can do for spiritual growth in marriage. You just have to come up with a plan that works for you and then follow through with it.
Spiritual intimacy in Christian marriage is achieved through baby steps. You shouldn’t expect to go from lack of spirituality to strong spirituality overnight. Nurture your marriage patiently through prayer, learning what the bible says about marriage and seeking role models for your marriage.