Mad About Marriage


Are you madly in love or just plain mad? Attend a "Mad About Marriage" seminar to find out!

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The “Mad About Marriage” television series was created as part of LifeStyle Magazine, a talk show hosted by Mike and Gayle Tucker. Topics include “too little sex”, finances, lack of love and respect, and much more.

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Through “Mad About Marriage” seminars Faith For Today can help enhance the quality of the marriages in your church. In addition when you invite couples from your community, the seminars serve as a wonderful addition to your church’s evangelistic outreach.

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Six Ways To Nurture Your Relationship With Your Spouse

If you don’t invest in your marriage by giving it your attention and nurturing it, your relationship with your spouse will die slowly.  Denying your marriage is in trouble doesn’t solve anything, neither does shrugging your shoulders and walking away. Another thing that never works is waiting for your spouse…

Unlock A New Perspective on Life and Love!

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